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Darren Hayes  interview
I (Interviewer)- What?s the most embarrassing thing you've done?
D (Darren)? Umm, I'm gonna make something up, because the most embarrassing thing I?ve ever done is, it would ruin my career.
I ? Ok.
D ? So, I just tell you that I walked into a window, this is true
actually, of a restaurant, when everyone inside knew who I was, and they were all going "no, no" and I walked into the window.
I ? Were you drunk?
D ? No, that's the sad thing, and all there was, was a, just a mark of my lips, on the window.
I ? So you had lipstick on?
D ? No, I had moisturizer on my lips, thank you.

http://www.sloganizer.net/en/  on this site you can type in your business or company name & it come's up with slogans but it's much more interesting to type in peoples names here are some of my faves


derren brown's like heaven

Don't play with fire, play with derren brown (wise words I reckon lol)

Be young, have fun, taste derren brown (ehh??)

derren brown - as good as it gets!

derren brown is what the world was waiting for (YUP)

 When you say derren brown you've said it all.

derren brown, the secret of women (OOHH ERR)

derren brown is better than chocolate (I AGREE)

Can you feel derren brown?? (lol)

Don't forget your darren hayes

darren hayes makes your day

You better get your darren hayes out (oohh err lol)

darren hayestastic

darren hayes is the sound of the future (oh yeah)

It's not a dream. darren hayes is real

The darren hayes effect

Make yourself at home with greg scott

greg scott - One name. One legend

There's a bit of greg scott in all of us

You know when it's greg scott

My mika is mine (yeah so get your paws off lmao)

Firstclass mika

There's only one thing in the world I want and that is mika. (lol good one)
mika inside you (ohh err saucy!!)
Feel good with mika
The gods made mika. (and they did a damn good job too may I say!!!)
mika is the sound of the future. (well said!!)
 it's not a dream. mika is real! (thank goodness for that)
Start the day with mika.
mika - enjoy the difference. (I most certainly do)
mika - forget the rest.
No mika, no kiss. (lol good one!!)
mika makes me hot. (oh yes he does!! is this a slogan maker or a mind reader lol)
mika, pure lust. 
With a name like mika, it has to be good. (indeed!!)