Michael Jackson R.I.P

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Michael Jackson My ultimate Idol & the king of pop what can I say except I love you & miss you dearly It hurts so bad to loose you, I knew the day had to come eventually but NEVER did I expect it to come so soon.


They say the greats never live long & it seems it really is true so sad but so true. I hope if there is a heaven or spirit world (of which I must admit I am rather doubtful) I hope you have now found the happiness & peace from hell that you suffered here upon this earth, man you really deserve it to be free from being harassed & hurt!!!


I really can't believe you're gone I really can't I KNOW it's true yet it just feels like an awful dream & I keep wishing keep praying that someone will shake me & say Chantelle, Chantelle wake up it's just a weird nightmare michael is still alive.


but sadly that's never gonna happen is it 'cause you're gone & i have to face it hard as it is for me.

 You've taught me soooo so much in the 22 & a half years I've been a fan such as a passion for music & dancing & to lose youself & express yourself in/via music & to use music as an escape from your pain, you taught me to accept everyone regardless of colour or gender, to help those in need & to be a decent human being and to try & make a difference to the world we live in.


to have respect for all mankind, and many more thinsg you have taught me far too many to mention!


you have taught me far more from a distance than my own father has ever taught me (yeah I have a sucky father too & have suffered at his hands to & my mother as well)


I also have had my childhood robbed from me & no one knows how it feels unless it's happened to them do they!!!


A lot of people called you a weird freak, but i looked at you & saw me, I understand you better than most 'cause I've been through quite a few similar experiences to you!

 to me you're no wacko Jacko you were an ordinary human with extraordinary talent

thank you for everything you've taught me Michael i'll NEVER forget your lessons & I shall try & make you proud by trying my best to help others just like you did o.k

Rest In peace sweetie I miss you & love you forever I'll never forget you!!!


I hope IF there is a heaven or spirit world that when I evetually die we can meet & I can do what i've always wanted to do & give you a hug & say I adore you & know just how it feels to loose your childhood & to be misunderstood & to have appalling parent/s


I hope that day (my death) will not be for a long long time to come yet as I'm only just approaching 24 & want to live til my 80's at least but when i do go I hope I can see you


til then i'll Never say goodbye 'cause you're always in my heart


sleep sweet darling I'll NEVER forget you!!!


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Michael Jackson