random surveys I've done on Facebook

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Is your last name longer than your first name?

Do you like apples, pears, or strawberries?

Do you eat pigs feet?
no eugh i'm vegetarian!

Can you rub your belly and pat your head at the same time?
if i wanted to i could i guess yeah, I did as a small kid

Are you a mutitasker?

Do you do naughty things?
sometimes lol nothing major though!

Are you ashamed of who you are?

When was your last headache?
literally speaking quite a while ago, metaphorically speaking I currently have a "headache"

Can you lick your nose?

Do you collect your change in a jar?

Have you ever got caught taking a sick day when you were not sick?

Have you ever eaten alligator?

Do like cheescake?

Have you ever hopped out of a speeding car?
no, that'd be stupid!

Have you ever watched something you know you shouldn't have been watching?

Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

Have you ever tortured on purpose?

Do you think about someone at night?
yes Derren! I'm always thinking about him though lol

Would you date a disbaled person?
yes well I am partially disabled myself! wouldn't make a difference to me!

24 or CSI?

Ice cream or Smoothie?
ice cream

Your answers for the 40 Random Questions Survey

What's your favorite name for a girl?

What's your favorite name for a boy?

Do you like coke or pepsi?

Have you read Twilight?
nope, not gonna either

What does your car smell like?

Have you ever eaten a marshmallow burnt?

Do you have a gerbil?

Are you afraid of airplanes?

What gives you goosebumps?
many things

Whose your favorite character on TV?
perry cox in scrubs or joey tribbiani in friends

Why did you take this survey?
for the heck of it

Do you like ice cream?

Have you been to an arcade before?

What is your favorite song?
blue eyes by Mika (Penniman)

What is your least favorite movie?
fight club (bored me to sh*t more than any other film ever has or ever will!!!)

When do you think the world will end?
who knows?

Do you think cheesy jokes are funny?

Do you like texting or calling?
texting (I gibber like an idiot on the phone lmao)

Have you ever online dated?

Whose the last person you hugged?
my uncle

Do you believe Wikipedia is always right?

Do you like bulldogs?

Have you ever eaten a corndog?

What's your favorite article of clothing?
my tokyo retro tshirt

Do you like classical music?
yes bach & beethoven are my faves I grew up with classical music (my dad\

Is your grandma still alive?
nope all my grandparents are dead now *sobs*

What's your favorite video on Youtube?
Mika on graham norton\

Do you have a friend named Buddy?

Why are people weird?
no idea/

Do you know what TTFN stands for?
tata for now I believe (as in goodbye)

What's your pets middle name?
it doesn\

Have you ever dated 2 people at one time?
nope never would!

Have you ever sniffed someone's hair secretly?
no?!? wtf

Do you have a T.V in your room?
yes a tv dvd combi!

How long can you go without electronics?
quite a while

What are your siblings names?
sara (my half sister) and christopher (my half brother) both older than me & both unpleasant!

Are you bored right now?
a bit yeah!

What do you love to dream about?
Derren Brown & Mika!

Are you answering these questions with false answers or true?
true why would I write false answers???

Will you tell your friends to do this survey?